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July 30, 2024

Logs, Events, Improved Dashboard - GreptimeCloud Update 5

A recap of the past several weeks progress and changes happened on GreptimeCloud.

Unified Time Series Database for Metrics, Logs, and Events! Now on Cloud

In this iteration, we updated our cloud instances to the latest v0.9 release of GreptimeDB OSS. The new version includes new workload support for logs, and its structured form, events. Get started by following our docs. We are also working on various integrations to help you ingest data easier, like a log sink for Vector.

Status Bar for Cloud Dashboard

When switching between multiple GreptimeCloud dashboard windows, you may get lost regarding which backend it connects to. The new status bar shows the instance name and its region, helping you to identify the instance more quickly.

The Status Bar
The Status Bar

Time range and auto refresh for Usage

A new time range selector has been added to the Usage tab, as well as an auto refresh toggle. This provides better insights into your instance's traffic. Each bar in this chart shows the peak value for its time window. With the selector, we now offer finer stats of this data. And our team is working in progress to bring you more information about usage. Stay tuned.

The new time range selector
The new time range selector

Other improvements

  • You can now upgrade from Hobby to the Serverless plan in the service settings
  • Fixed an issue with dashboard code editor when its content goes large
  • Added a dropdown menu for the database field to switch between databases in the dashboard

About Greptime

Greptime offers industry-leading time series database products and solutions to empower IoT and Observability scenarios, enabling enterprises to uncover valuable insights from their data with less time, complexity, and cost.

GreptimeDB is an open-source, high-performance time-series database offering unified storage and analysis for metrics, logs, and events. Try it out instantly with GreptimeCloud, a fully-managed DBaaS solution—no deployment needed!

The Edge-Cloud Integrated Solution combines multimodal edge databases with cloud-based GreptimeDB to optimize IoT edge scenarios, cutting costs while boosting data performance.

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