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Latest Release


Download GreptimeDB latest release v0.12.0 for your platform.

macOS v0.12.0

Linux v0.12.0

Minimum supported glibc version: 2.29. For older operating systems, please checkout our release page

Windows v0.12.0

Android v0.12.0

Run greptime --help with downloaded executable for usage.


Pull GreptimeDB image v0.12.0.

docker pull greptime/greptimedb:v0.12.0

Check our docs about how to use the docker image.

Package Managers


The official tap provides Homebrew formulas for the greptime and gtctl utilities.

brew tap greptimeteam/greptime
brew install greptime
brew install gtctl

Report any issue on the GitHub repo.

FreeBSD (Community-Maintained)

Read the FreshPorts page for supported versions and architecture.

pkg install greptimedb

WARNING: This is an unofficial, community-maintained package. Contact the package owner if there is any issue.

Arch Linux (Community-Maintained)

Read the AUR page for more information.

pacman -S greptimedb-bin

WARNING: This is an unofficial, community-maintained package. Contact the package owner if there is any issue.

Nightly Builds


Download our latest nightly build for your platform using the installation script.

curl -L | sh


Pull our nightly docker image.

docker pull greptime/greptimedb:latest

On Kubernetes

You can setup GreptimeDB cluster on kubernetes using our command-line utility gtctl

curl -L | sh

Follow the instructions on how to setup a cluster with gtctl

Build from sources


Visit GreptimeDB's GitHub repo or clone using command below.

git clone

Follow the Build section from README to build GreptimeDB by yourself.