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January 27, 2023

Biweekly Report (Dec.26 - Jan.13) โ€“ Redesign gRPC interface

A recap of the past two-weeks progress and changes happened on GreptimeDB

Summary โ€‹

We are sharing with you what's happened during the past 3 weeks in our community in this biweekly report, due to the holiday break in the greater China region. Below are some highlights:

  • GreptimeDB NOW supports write-in of default values
  • GreptimeDB NOW supports table name modifications
  • Completed the refactoring and optimization of gRPC
  • Implemented API for data deletion
  • Started working on the integration with PromQL
  • and upgrades of other related dependent libraries

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Contributor list: (In alphabetical order) โ€‹

Congrats on becoming our most active contributors in the past 3 weeks:

@e1ijah1(#824, #864, #780, #802)



There's a total of 6 PRs merged, 1 pending to be merged. @e1ijah1 is our new star contributor! @e1ijah1 broke down a complex issue into 3 PRs and successfully merged all of them! Besides, we are giving out New Year's gifts to our top 12 contributors in 2022 to show our appreciation for growing together with us, @azhsmesos one of our top contributors who is so sweet, left us with the message below:

Today on slack, I received a New Year's gift from the GreptimeDB community, which made me very happy. Rust Hong persuaded me to withdraw an issue before, but I am still learning and do not give up. I want to try to complete this issue, I may encounter many problems, but I will not give up, please assign it to me, thanks!

Good first issue โ€‹

Issue #759 (Closed) โ€‹

Issue description: Supports default value when inserting data

Most databases support default value write-in, and with @lizheming's help, GreptimeDB now has this functionality too. Although he was sick during that period of time, he still overcame many challenges with strong willpower and determination. Thank you, and take good care of yourself @lizheming. We also want to take this opportunity and wish everyone a healthy and safe year.

Issue #823 (Help wanted) โ€‹

Issue description: Supports Aliyun OSS storage

GreptimeDB already supports local files and OpenDAL-based Amazon S3 storage, and we want to add Aliyun OSS to the list as well. Since OpenDAL supports OSS, we only need to realize this function based on OpenDAL.

Highlights of Recent PR โ€‹

What's cooking on DB's develop branch โ€‹


The APIs of our gRPC need to be restructured, for example:

  • The names "object" and "expr" used during the implementation of gRPC were not clear;
  • Conventions between gRPC objects and the results/requests of other protocols are tedious and cumbersome;
  • Hard to debug using gRPC CLI tools;
  • etc.

What remained to be completed but now completed from our last biweekly post.


We have provided the API for deletion, and are looking forward to seeing more PRs from our community regarding:

  1. fully support deletion of data entries;
  2. support SQL statement of deletions.


Currently, GreptimeDB only supports the querying of data by using SQL and gRPC protocols. Our next major milestone is for GreptimeDB to support PromQL natively since PromQL is the most commonly used query language in any cloud-native tool for Observability; it lets users select and aggregate time series data in real-time. However, this is not an easy task and is still under development by our team. Please keep tracking for more progress updates.

New things โ€‹

  • We just merged the script workbench branch of GreptimeDB dashboard. Now it's possible to manage, edit and run Python scripts right from the dashboard. See more details here.

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