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August 28, 2024

Releasing GreptimeDB v0.9.2! fix full-text index building issue, continuously improve time-series query performance | Greptime Biweekly Report

A recap of the past two-weeks progress and changes happened on GreptimeDB.


Together with our global community of contributors, GreptimeDB continues to evolve and flourish as a growing open-source project. We are grateful to each and every one of you.

Below are the highlights among recent commits:

  • Releasing GreptimeDB v0.9.2, including some important fixes and features

    • Fix the problem that failed to build full text index when a single SST file is too large
    • Optimize count(*) queries for append-only tables
  • Switch the keyword for invoking administration functions from select to admin

For the past two weeks, our community has been super active with a total of 82 PRs merged. Of these, 5 PRs were contributed by 3 individual contributors, with many more pending to be merged.

Congrats on becoming our most active contributors in the past 2 weeks!

👏 Welcome contributor @ozewr join to the community as the new individual contributor, and congratulations on successfully merging their first PR, more PRs are waiting to be merged.

New Contributors of GreptimeDB
New Contributors of GreptimeDB

A big THANK YOU to all our members and contributors! It is people like you who are making GreptimeDB a great product. Let's build an even greater community together.

Highlights of Recent PRs

db#4600 Switch the keyword for invoking administration functions from select to admin

In previous versions, users needed to use select statements to invoke administration functions, such as select flush_table('monitor'). In this patch, select keyword is replaced by admin, such as admin flush_table('monitor').

db#4552 Fix the problem that failed to build full text index when a single SST file is too large

This PR fixes the issue where full-text indexing fails to build successfully when a single SST file contains too many rows, due to only supporting a single segment buffer.

db#4545 Optimize the count performance for append-only table

For tables created with append_mode=true, this PR can speed up count(*) queries to milliseconds.

db#4603 db#4564 Continuously optimize the performance of time series queries

  • Optimize SeriesDivide performance.
  • Optimize predicate pushdown support to avoid redundant filterings

Good First Issue

db#4480 Add debug level traces in Mito Engine

The current Trace is not suitable for user performance debugging. More detailed Spans could be added in the Mito Engine, such as the time taken to read data from S3, etc.

  • Keywords: Mito Engine, Trace

  • Difficulty: Medium

db#3265 Add more tests for COPY FROM statements

COPY FROM involves loading data from external source, therefore more tests are required to assure its functionality.

  • Keywords: SQL, Unit Tests, Coverage

  • Difficulty: Simple

About Greptime

Greptime offers industry-leading time series database products and solutions to empower IoT and Observability scenarios, enabling enterprises to uncover valuable insights from their data with less time, complexity, and cost.

GreptimeDB is an open-source, high-performance time-series database offering unified storage and analysis for metrics, logs, and events. Try it out instantly with GreptimeCloud, a fully-managed DBaaS solution—no deployment needed!

The Edge-Cloud Integrated Solution combines multimodal edge databases with cloud-based GreptimeDB to optimize IoT edge scenarios, cutting costs while boosting data performance.

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