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March 19, 2025

Vector Functions Boost Query Performance & 8 New Contributors Join the Quest! | Greptime Biweekly Report

A recap of the past 2 weeks progress and changes happened on GreptimeDB.


Together with our global community of contributors, GreptimeDB continues to evolve and flourish as a growing open-source project. We are grateful to each and every one of you.

Below are the highlights among recent commits:

  • Added new data models for OpenTelemetry Trace.
  • Added new vector functions, like vec_subvector and vec_kth_elem.
  • The default data_home directory in the configuration has been changed from /tmp to the current folder.
  • Supported new PromQL functions, quantile, count_values.
  • The pipeline has also been improved with several enhancements:
    • Added support for setting tags in transformations.
    • Enabled inverted index configuration within the pipeline.
    • Introduced a lightweight extract processor.


For the past two weeks, our community has been super active with a total of 94 PRs merged. 12 PRs from 8 individual contributors merged successfully and lots pending to be merged.

Congrats on becoming our most active contributors in the past 2 weeks:

👏 Welcome @lau-jay @Pikady @SNC123 @Wenbin1002 @wtzhang23 to the community as a new contributor with a successfully merged PR, and more PRs from other individual contributors are waiting to be merged.

New Contributors of GreptimeDB
New Contributors of GreptimeDB

🎉 A big THANK YOU to all our members and contributors! It is people like you who are making GreptimeDB a great product. Let's build an even greater community together.

Highlights of Recent PRs

db#5622 OpenTelemetry Trace Data Modeling Enhancement

GreptimeDB introduces a refined data modeling approach for OpenTelemetry traces, optimizing observability and query performance. Key updates include:

  • Built-in Pipeline: A new greptime_trace_v1 pipeline is introduced.
  • Expanded Attributes: Attributes are now expanded into dedicated columns by default.
  • Skipping Index: Added to trace_id, parent_span_id, and span_name for both greptime_trace_v1 and v0, improving query efficiency.
  • Partitioning Strategy: Default partitioning rules are applied to trace_id in greptime_trace_v1 and v0 to enhance data organization and retrieval.

db#5683 New Vector Functions: vec_subvector

The newly added vec_subvector(vec, start, end) function extracts a subvector from the given start (inclusive) to end (exclusive) index, facilitating efficient vector slicing. Example Query:

SELECT vec_to_string(vec_subvector("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", 1, 3)) AS result;


| result |
| [2,3]  |

db#5674 Add vec_kth_elem function

The vec_kth_elem(vec, k) function retrieves the k-th element from a given vector, simplifying element access. Example Query:

SELECT vec_kth_elem("[2, 4, 6]",1) as result;


| result  |
| 4       |

Good First Issue

db#5120 Add vector functions JSON_TO_VEC, VEC_TO_JSON

JSON_TO_VEC: Convert a JSON array to a vector. VEC_TO_JSON: Convert a vector to a JSON array.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Keywords: vector

About Greptime

Greptime offers industry-leading time series database products and solutions to empower IoT and Observability scenarios, enabling enterprises to uncover valuable insights from their data with less time, complexity, and cost.

GreptimeDB is an open-source, high-performance time-series database offering unified storage and analysis for metrics, logs, and events. Try it out instantly with GreptimeCloud, a fully-managed DBaaS solution—no deployment needed!

The Edge-Cloud Integrated Solution combines multimodal edge databases with cloud-based GreptimeDB to optimize IoT edge scenarios, cutting costs while boosting data performance.

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